Cancellation & Refund Policy
Nicolas Doeser
Last Update a year ago
Hirer and Host have the right to cancel bookings in accordance with our cancellation policy.
Cancellation Hirer refund (cancel more than 7 days prior event)
Hirers are entitled to a full refund when cancelling 7 days prior the booking event date and time. The Hirer must contact the Host using the messaging function to request a refund. The Host must refund the total received fee to the Hirer. The Host can initiate the refund using the Scouty app or the Scouty website. The refund amount will be transferred from the Host’s Stripe Connect account to the Hirer’s Credit/Debit Card. The payment processing fee, is used to cover the payment processing charges of Stripe is non- refundable.
Cancellation Hirer (cancel less than 7 days prior event)
If a Hirer cancels a confirmed booking less than 7 days prior the event date the host is not obliged to refund the fee.
Cancellation Host (cancel more than 7 days prior event)
If the Host cancels a confirmed booking 7 days prior to the event date and time, the Host must refund the total received fee. The refund can be initiated through the Scouty app or the Scouty website by using the “Refund” button within the booking. The Host must enter the total received fee as refund amount which is then transferred from the Host’s Stripe Connect account to the Hirer’s Credit/Debit Card. The payment processing fee, is used to cover the payment processing charges of Stripe is non-refundable.
Cancellation Host (cancel less than 7 days prior event)
If a Host cancels a confirmed booking less than 7 days prior the event date the Host must refund the total received fee. The refund is initiated by using the “Refund” button in bookings. The Host needs to enter the total received fee as refund amount. The refund amount will be transferred from the Hosts Stripe Connect account to the Hirers Credit Card. The Hirer can claim a Damage Fee. The payment processing fee, is used to cover the payment processing charges of Stripe is non-refundable.